Audition Information

Band Auditions:

There is a yearly Fair Share Fee that is assessed to each student. This fee averages $500 but is determined by enrollment.

Students will complete their audition as part of a large ensemble rehearsal alongside current SJCCA Band members and Mr. Peters- Director.

Wind Instrumentalist will need to bring their own instrument to the audition. 

(Large instrumentalist such as Bari Sax/ Tuba/ etc should bring their current school instrument to the audition. If unable to do that- please reach out directly to Mr. Peters at [email protected] to request use of an SJCCA instrument. Please bring all mouthpieces/ reeds/ ligatures/ neck straps/ etc even if using an SJCCA instrument.)

Percussion students will need snare drum sticks/ mallets/ timpani mallets but not personal instruments. 

Click on the link below to print out the music you will need for the audition. You will need both pieces printed out. Percussion students will need the mallet part, snare drum part, bass drum part, and timpani part for each piece. Please bring this music with you to the audition. If you forget it we will have extra copies on hand at the audition.

Audition Music for Band

To Schedule a Band Audition, please 

Jazz Band Auditions:  

There is a yearly Fair Share Fee of $200 assessed to each student. This fee is separate from the SJCCA Band Fair Share Fee. 

Students must be accepted into the SJCCA Band program AND must take a Band Class in order to be able to be in the SJCCA Jazz Ensemble.

Jazz Band is a separate class during the school day.

Students will complete their audition as part of a large ensemble rehearsal along side current SJCCA Band members and Mr. Peters- Director.

Wind Instrumentalist, Guitar, and Electric Bass students will need to bring their own instrument/ amp to the audition. Upright bass players can bring their own instrument or use our school upright bass.

(Large instrumentalist such as Bari Sax/etc… should bring their current school instrument to the audition. If unable to do that- please reach out directly to Mr. Peters at [email protected] to request use of an SJCCA instrument. Please bring all mouthpieces/ reeds/ ligatures/ neck straps/ etc even if using an SJCCA instrument.)

Percussion students will need snare drum sticks/ mallets but not personal instruments.

Click on the link below to print out the music you will need for the audition. You will need both pieces printed out. Percussion students will need the drum set part, vibraphone part(if available), and auxiliary percussion part(if available). Please bring this music with you to the audition. If you forget it, we will have extra copies on hand at the audition.

Audition Music for Jazz Band

To Schedule a Jazz Band Audition, please